Good Yellow Fizzy

German Pilsner

Malt Bill

  • 10 lbs of high quality Pilsner malt (I prefer Weyermann)
  • .5 lbs carapils (I debate the necessity, alas the best versions have it)


  • OG = 1.048 - 1.050 @ 6 gallons
  • FG = 1.008 - 1.010
  • IBU = 38-40

Mash process

(it’s intense, but well worth the effort)

  • Dough in at 131 F
  • 144 F - 20 min
  • 148 F - 20  in
  • 152 F - 20 min
  • 163 F - 20 min
  • 170 F - 10 min
  • 90 minute boil or until final volume is reached


  • 0.75 ounce magnum @ 60 minutes (12% aa)
  •  1 ounce German Hallertauer Milttelfrueh @15 minutes (3-4% aa)
  • 2 ounces of German Hallertauer Mittelfrueh @ whirlpool (make sure to chill the wort to at least 180 F before adding)

Yeast nutrient + whirlfloc @ 5 minutes

Yeast and Fermentation

  • White Labs South German Lager Yeast  (838) —> I’m cheap and buy one pack and make a 3-4 L starter
  • Chill to 48 F and hit with 2 minutes of pure oxygen. Add yeast and let the temperature rise to 50 F.
  • Ferment at 50 F for one week, and then slowly begin to raise the temperature, 2-3 degrees per day until you reach the 60s.
  • I typically keg mine after 2 weeks and then lager it around 32 F for 3-4 weeks. It’s good fresh and doesn’t really benefit from long lagering times.

