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Recipe Submission
Check out the titles below if you're interested in borrowing a book from a fellow member. Reach out directly to the folks listed, find them on our private FB group, or contact us for help.
How to Brew
Pribble & Angelica have a copy
How To Brew: Everything You Need to Know to Brew Great Beer Every Time
by John Palmer
Pribble & Angelica have a copy
Trevor has a copy
The Joy of Homebrewing
by Charlie Papazian
Trevor has a copy
Trevor has a copy
Brewing Better Beer: Master Lessons for Advanced Homebrewers
by Gordon Strong
Trevor has a copy
Pribble has a copy
Mastering Homebrew: The Complete Guide to Brewing Delicious Beer
by Randy Mosher
Pribble has a copy
Trevor & Angelica have a copy
Designing Great Beers: The Ultimate Guide to Brewing Classic Beer Styles
by Ray Daniels
Trevor & Angelica have a copy
Brewing Elements Series
Ed, Trevor, and Pribble have copies
Yeast: The Practical Guide to Beer Fermentation
by Chris White and Jamil Zainasheff
Ed, Trevor, and Pribble have copies
Pribble has a copy
Water: A Comprehensive Guide for Brewers
by John Palmer and Colin Kaminski
Pribble has a copy
Pribble has a copy
Malt: A Practical Guide from Field to Brewhouse
by John Mallett
Pribble has a copy
Pribble has a copy
For The Love of Hops: The Practical Guide to Aroma, Bitterness and the Culture of Hops
by Stan Hieronymus
Pribble has a copy
Styles, Recipes, and History
Trevor has a copy
Brewing Classic Styles: 80 Winning Recipes Anyone Can Brew
by Jamil Zainasheff and John Palmer
Trevor has a copy
Pribble has a copy
Modern Homebrew Recipes
by Gordon Strong
Pribble has a copy
Ed and Trevor have copies
Brewing with Wheat: The 'Wit' and 'Weizen' of World Wheat Beer Styles
by Stan Hieronymus
Ed and Trevor have copies
Ed and Trevor have copies
Brew Like a Monk
by Stan Hieronymus
Ed and Trevor have copies
Trevor & Angelica have a copy
Tasting Beer
by Randy Mosher
Trevor & Angelica have a copy
Trevor has a copy
Radical Brewing
by Randy Mosher
Trevor has a copy
Trevor has a copy
American Sour Beers: Innovative Techniques for Mixed Fermentations
by Michael Tonsmeire
Trevor has a copy
Trevor has a copy
IPA: Brewing Techniques, Recipes and the Evolution of India Pale Ale
by Mitch Steele
Trevor has a copy
Trevor has a copy
Brewing Local: American-Grown Beer
by Stan Hieronymus
Trevor has a copy
Trevor has a copy
The Compleat Meadmaker: Home Production of Honey Wine From Your First Batch to Award-winning Fruit and Herb Variations
by Ken Schramm
Trevor has a copy
Trevor has a copy
The Homebrewer's Almanac
by Josephson, Kleidon, and Tockstein
Trevor has a copy
Trevor has a copy
by Patrick O'Neill
Trevor has a copy