“Buy a man a beer, and he wastes an hour. Teach a man to brew, and he wastes a lifetime.”
Brewing Resources
We got talking about cask ale at Ben's Brew Day. Next thing you know, Woody reveals his interesting (and traditional?!) procedure.
Getting into the BJCP flow. This is a guide for homebrewers looking to become NEW judges.
Best internet resources out there for digging deep into brewing topics. This is the rabbit hole.
Support your local homebrew shops!
The top 4 biggest steps forward for homebrewers
Kegging? Use this chart to set your regulator correctly.
Pondering All Grain brewing? Start here to get your mashton built!
Foam info brought together and presented by Ed at our meeting
Ed's writeup/presentation on mash efficiency.
A rundown of some great brewing blogs on the interwebs.