Imperial IPA Lite

Imperial IPA -Lite
Imperial IPA -Lite

Recipe Imperial IPA -Lite Style American IPA
Brewer Woody Batch 11 gal
All Grain

Recipe Characteristics

Recipe Gravity 1.061 OG Estimated FG 1.015 FG
Recipe Bitterness 109 IBU Alcohol by Volume 5.9%
Recipe Color 11° SRM Alcohol by Weight 4.7%


Quantity Grain Type Use
24.00 lb Pale Malt, Maris Otter Grain Mashed
1.00 lb Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L Grain Mashed
Quantity Hop Type Time
4.00 oz Chinook Whole 60 minutes
1.00 oz AA-Centennial - 9.1 Whole 15 minutes
2.00 oz AA-Citra Pellet 10 minutes
1.00 oz AA-Citra Pellet 0 minutes
1.00 oz AA-Centennial - 9.1 Whole 0 minutes
1.00 oz AA-Cascade -7.1 Whole 0 minutes
Quantity Misc Notes
1 unit Dry English Ale Yeast Liquid yeast. Clean, Highly flocculant, and highly attentive yeast. Similar to White labs English Ale yeast, but more attentive. Suitable for high gravity ales.
0.75 tsp Irish Moss Fining Fining agent that aids in the post-boil protein break. Reduces protein chill haze and improves beer clarity.
1 tsp Yeast Nutrient Other Gives yeast nutrients for healthy fermentation. Not needed for most beers, but good for those with a high percentage of adjuncts. Add before yeast.

Recipe Notes

WLP-007-Strange yeast 1.049 before boil. 1.057 in the fermentor.
Brewed 5-18-14.